Problem solved! The bed wasn't perfectly leveled.
Aw man, that was going to be my first guess but I wanted to get a better understanding first.
Either bed leveling or Z offset.
What is z offset? 😐
Z offset is the devils work.
It's the offset or the distance between the nozzle and the bed.
Different materials like to be squished (Tight offset as in the nozzle is very close to the bed) and some don't so the nozzle is further away, we are talking in like 0.1 MM increments or even smaller when adjusting it but it can be the difference between prints sticking and floating around on the bed.
I've had off problems that by bringing the nozzle closer to the bed, it fixed it. Especially bed adhesion on glass, if the plastic is cooled before it hits the plate, it don't stick much. So by bringing it closer, it kind of squishes it a little bit which makes it much better
Oh okay, thank you for the explanation 🙂
No problem.
Stick around here if you are new to 3D printing. I started about 2 months ago and being able to ask all the stupid questions rather than working them out makes all the difference.
I went through a lot of problems and I still get some but it's much better with the help of everyone on here.
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Oliveros 11
I can't make heads or tails out of any of this.
What does" Look like shit" mean? Is it too thin? too thick? Underextruded?
What is the EXACT problem?
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