2 hours ago, battzilla said:a little confused about what "application window" meant
Any suggestions? I am trying to disambiguate "window" between window representing the folder that the executable is in and the running application.
2 hours ago, battzilla said:a little confused about what "application window" meant
Any suggestions? I am trying to disambiguate "window" between window representing the folder that the executable is in and the running application.
3 hours ago, ahoeben said:
Any suggestions? I am trying to disambiguate "window" between window representing the folder that the executable is in and the running application.
Hmmm, good question... I would maybe say something like this:
Once Cura has started, drag and drop the downloaded package into the build space like you would an STL for printing. Restart Cura, and the sidebar gui should be working again.
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ahoeben 1,981
I'm sorry about that. It seems to have happened with a subset of printers, which is why it was not detected before.
A fixed version of the SidebarGui plugin has been submitted to the Marketplace but is awaiting review. You can download the fixed version here:
SidebarGUI plugin curapackage
To install it, you first need to get Cura back to a running state by manually removing the plugin, as you did. I'm including those instructions in case someone else runs into a similar issue.
Press the windows-key on your keyboard and type (exactly, including the % signs) the following, followed by enter:
In the folder that opens, remove the folder named 'SidebarGUIPlugin'
Now you can start Cura again.
Once Cura has started, drop the .curapackage you downloaded above into the application window. Restart Cura, and the sidebar gui should be working again.
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battzilla 1
WOW! thanks so much for the help, its back up and running just fine now!! 😁
BTW, you're very much correct about the issue. I manually added some folders in my resources for my Artillery Genius printer. Before that no issues, so had to be the cause which you identified already.
And just to give some input about the instructions, everything was very clear and easy to follow except the last part:
I was not sure if you meant an application window folder or the actual application (i'm not too technically savvy). I ended up first dropping the package into the plugins folder and did nothing. Then opened cura and dropped into the work space, restarting and it was applied (i'm sure that's exactly what you said to do, on my end was just a little confused about what "application window" meant).
Anyways, thank you once again!
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