Guest maht
Its down to the model geometry you have used. If the hole in the center is part of the design, then infill will not be placed there. The 'fins' around it will be filled solid instead.
To be able to troubleshoot this properly send an image of the prepare or preview stage as gr5 mentioned, or better yet send a 3mf file so I can open it in context with slicing settings/machine profiles, etc.
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gr5 2,224
Could you show a screenshot of your model in both PREVIEW and PREPARE mode please?
I'm not sure what you mean by "in the middle". Do you mean that central cylindrical hole that is at the center of all the fins - do you mean that was not supposed to be empty? If so then you have an issue with your CAD model and posting the screenshots will help.
Or do you mean about that tiny little hole in one of the fins? Again - it would help to see the PREVIEW screenshot.
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