I believe that is incorrect. We want to change the nozzle diameter setting to .25. It only offers .2,.3,.4,.5,.8,and 1.0. You can print a .25 line width with whatever size nozzle you choose, probably best with a .25 nozzle. There's a volume formula to calculate the flow rate to compensate probably. like a .2 nozzle has an area of 2pi x.1=.628mm2, an .25 has 2pi x .125=.785 so .785/.628=1.25 im gonna try .2 nozzle at 125% flow rate and .25 line width. does that make sense or am i wrong?
Nozzle width affects line width. It's kind of background information that supplies the formulas that choose line width. If you set the line width yourself it doesn't matter what cura thinks the nozzle size is.
So for example if you set the line width to .25mm and have a 1mm nozzle chosen the 1mm nozzle information is completely ignored.
Cura will create gcodes that rotate the extruder the exact amount for a 0.25mm line width. It does this by calculating the volume of a given line segment to be printed. The volume is the line width times the layer height times the length. That's the volume. it has nothing to do with nozzle diameter.
Also if you set 0.25mm line width it will place walls 0.25mm apart (and top/bottom skin lines will be 0.25mm apart).
The whole "nozzle diameter" setting is basically ignored by the cura engine (the actual slicer) and only used in the gui to set line width to a reasonable value.
If I may offer a note..
I ABSOLUTELY Appreciate what you are saying gr5, and someone like me, thats not an issue to change.. But let me ask you, how many users are really knowledgeable? How many need simpler settings? I think its a wrong step in removing that option of being able to set the nozzle size and having it auto adjust what is needed to be adjusted.
I have enough experience and such that I can deal with this, but as someone who is constantly helping others, people who havent taken the time to learn Cura, the people who struggle with 3D printing, this is a BAD choice in my opinion. You can disagree with me and Im absolutely cool with that, but I think having that removed is a bad step..
It's removed for UM profiles also. Sort of. It's built into the names of the profiles.
Historically cura had a nozzle diameter and you could mess with it but it was MORE confusing because it would create the line width invisibly behind the scenes. If you had a nozzle of 0.4 and a wall of 1.0mm it would do 2 passes of 0.5mm line width and this was done INVISIBLY and caused all kinds of underextrusion and other problems. It would use a range of I think 66% to 150% of the nozzle size as the line width. This is cura version 15.X and older.
I think the current version is a huge improvement in reduced confusion. I think you just tell people "there is no such parameter in cura as nozzle size". Because even though there is such a parameter, it doesn't really do anything. It's called "line width". If you simply changed the name from "line width" to "nozzle size" now there is more confusion again because it's not the nozzle size - you can print a 1mm line width with a 0.4mm nozzle if you have a powerful enough feeder.
Every slicer is different. I think there are other slicers out there that don't have a "nozzle size" parameter.
- 5 months later...
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gr5 2,295
The setting you are looking for is "line width". Set that to 0.25 for a 0.25mm nozzle. Make sure *all* the line widths (there's several of them) are the same.
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