Hej Geert
Thanks for the reply. I'm not sure this is the problem, as far as I can see both extruders have 1.0 layer height set in Cura. "don't know if Cura have some hidden setting overwriting this?"
When looking at the print, to me it looks like its the same layer height. the Pva just prints every other layer double.
Also when the (Support Stair Step Height) has the same value or lover then the layer height. this should not effect it. right?
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geert_2 558
I do not have a dual nozzle printer, so no personal experience. But I do vaguely remember that supports might be printed at double layer-height, or beginning from a thicker minimum, or something like that, since it does not melt so nice as PLA. So, if the PVA would print at 0.2mm layers, and PLA at 0.1, you might get this effect. Could be an explanation. But I am not sure, it is just a vague memory, you need to check. Maybe you could search for this and find more info?
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