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Posted · Totally dead UM2

My UM2 is totally dead. After printing on and off today it suddenly said "CLICK" as if some electronics piece broke and then it is totally dead. The sound came from the electronics box at the bottom of the printer. The blue light on the power supply is on but I cannot get any life out of the UM2. The small fan on the head doesn't start and neither does the display. Totally dead.

The cover of the electronics box seems to be screwed from the inside but I cannot reach those screws as the bed is in the way and as I do not have any power in the machine I cannot raise it. Does anybody have suggestion for what to try next?


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    Posted · Totally dead UM2

    You can raise the bed by simply rotating the z-screw by hand, without power it will spin very easily.

    As for what could've happened. No idea I'm afraid. Does anything turn on at all like the LED lights?

    As a first step, and this may sound a little stupid, but make sure the power cable on the power supply is secure. I accidentally bumped my power supply the other day and it shut off the machine. The blue LED on the power supply still glowed (the filter caps in the supply probably had enough juice to keep it going) but the cable wasn't quite in there.


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    Posted · Totally dead UM2

    Yes, rotate the z screw by hand - you will need to clean the grease off your fingers afterwards.

    Also unplug the big powersupply until the blue light goes off (may be more than 5 minutes!) and then plug it back in. I think it might have a safety feature where once it detects an overload it stays off until a power reset.


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    Posted · Totally dead UM2

    Is there any indicator on the power supply brick itself that shows if it's running or not?

    I don't see any kind of protection on the UM2 schematics, that means they rely entirely on the external brick to never be faulty. That's actually common for (even sophisticated) hobby projects, but you wouldn't get through any CE certifications like that...

    Also, there is no ESD protection (not even on the USB connection o.O) which is a little bit alarming. Are you connecting the UM2 to a Laptop or Netbook (anything mobile)?


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    Posted · Totally dead UM2

    Thank you! I have now raised the platform and removed the cover to the controller board. Unfortunately I cannot remove the 4th screw that holds the electronics board in place as that one i hidden under the big vertical metal piece in the left back side.

    Jonny, that was actually it. I connected the printed via USB to update the firmware.

    Gr5, I have unplugged the power supply and will try again in a while.


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    Posted · Totally dead UM2

    OK. Some progress. There is a green light on the electronics board turning on and now the fan on the print head starts but the control panel is dead. What next....


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    Posted · Totally dead UM2

    I don't see any kind of protection on the UM2 schematics, that means they rely entirely on the external brick to never be faulty. That's actually common for (even sophisticated) hobby projects, but you wouldn't get through any CE certifications like that...


    Well Ultimaker is in the Netherlands which is in the EU.

    The UM2 is being sold within the EU.

    Therefore the UM2 must be CE compliant, since it is a legal requirement.

    At least that is what I would assume.


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    Posted · Totally dead UM2

    Anybody know how to remove the vertical high cover at the back left ?


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    Posted · Totally dead UM2

    There's a screw right underneath the four screws that hold the stepper motor in place.


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    Posted · Totally dead UM2

    Other people have the same symptoms as you - they upgraded the UM firmware and now the green light comes on but not the front panel.

    For them the problem was that they loaded the UM1 Marlin firmware into the UM2. When you use the Cura wizard to upgrade the firmware you have to be very careful! You won't break anything but I suggest you re-load the firmware and be extra careful. For example you might want to use the expert menu - that way you can see the file names and choose one that says "um2".


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    Posted · Totally dead UM2

    Woohoo! Uploaded the UM2-firmware again and now it works. The first time I guess Cura managed to upload a few % of the firmware before the machine reset by some power surge. I am pretty sure I uploaded the UM2 firmware the first time as well as Cura still was stuck in "Firmware install for Ultimaker2".

    Now I just have to put back all the screws again :)

    Thank you for the tip gr5!


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    Posted · Totally dead UM2

    Well Ultimaker is in the Netherlands which is in the EU.

    The UM2 is being sold within the EU.

    Therefore the UM2 must be CE compliant, since it is a legal requirement.

    At least that is what I would assume.


    Afaik it's not required by law. Getting a CE certification costs something around 20'000 Euros (I don't get to see our company's bills but that's what I heard round the corners). Usually, smaller companies can't afford that.

    (I'm probably not using very accurate terms below, but you should get what I want to say)

    The CE sign is a manufacturer statement (contrary to TÜV for example, which can only be issued by the TÜV company itself) that you can technically put on anything you sell if you like to. But then you can be sued if your product turns out not to be compliant, which is why CE is usually certified by specialised companies.

    But that's OT..

    Good to hear your machine works again!


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    Posted · Totally dead UM2

    I don't see any kind of protection on the UM2 schematics, that means they rely entirely on the external brick to never be faulty. That's actually common for (even sophisticated) hobby projects, but you wouldn't get through any CE certifications like that...


    Ultimaker 2 is a Class A compliant product.

    It says so in the manual, and I don't think you should be suggesting that its not compliant.


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    Posted · Totally dead UM2

    Okay, it seems they did make the UM2 compliant. My bad!

    I didn't find any information about this on the internet (maybe because this information is not supposed to be freely available anyways) but there are different classes and different types of CE compliance.

    I guess our product being safety-relevant (lone-worker protection safety system) has much higher requirements.

    Anyways, I thought basic ESD protection was always necessary, but it seems it's not. It'd still be beneficiary to the UM, regardless of CE certification.


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