Hello Matthias,
I can understand your fascination for the Ultimaker. It´s a great machine. Have mine for a month now and totally love it.
Getting good stepper motors isn´t a problem. Got the ones for my 3DR from Reprap World. I got these: http://reprapworld.com/?products_details&products_id=94&cPath=1614
Haven´t tested them yet, but they have 1.8° and are strong. I don´t know the exact specs of the original UM motors. Didn´t google the type yet. But I think they are custom made. Finding some with the D shape shaft will be hard and additionally with the right connectors... Two sources, I think Ultimaker, and the manufacturer. The manufacturer won´t sell to you, but maybe Ultimaker will... But buying some with a round shaft and attaching a pulley to it ain´t a problem. Same for the connectors. That´s simple. But I don´t know anything about your building skills.
If I would build an Ultimaker from scratch, I would change a lot of things. Right now I am improving mine to get the most out of it. Heatbed, heat chamber, lights, 3point leveling, z adjustment etc. I would improve the first one and build others based on this experience. Love 3D printers too. Start to collect them. But I want to have different types and concepts.
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Daid 306
The ones in the UM-Original are 1.8deg per step. And quite strong, there is quite a difference in NEMA17 steppers, so make sure you get strong ones.
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