Hello from Birmingham, ive not had mine very long and the help on this forum beats ANY OTHER SITE hands down, dont be afraid to ask a question - people here will be very helpful.
Hello from Birmingham, ive not had mine very long and the help on this forum beats ANY OTHER SITE hands down, dont be afraid to ask a question - people here will be very helpful.
Hello from Chadd! Had my UM2 a month now things are going good. Im new to the world of 3d but this forum appears to have all the answers.
Welcome to the ultimaker family Mike !! :-)
As the lads said.. if you have any questions or setup problems.. just shoot a quick question or photo on the forum.. go for a nice cup of tea... and normally the answer will be there before you click refresh on your internet browser ;-)
Have a nice day.
Ian :-)
ps. you get extra welcome bonus points for the cool user picture !! LOL ;-)
Ian :-)
How do post a photo on the forum? I can't see any insert photo icons on the topic replies pages for instance.
On top left of this page click "gallery", then click upload. AFter you have uploaded all the pictures you will need, then make a new post and click "my media" next to smiley face.
I think you have to have 3 posts approved in order to be able to do this. I think you have 4 so far so hopefully this option is open to you.
Otherwise you can post on 100 different free sites such as: imgur, facebook, google groups, dropbox, etc. and then post a link to your picture(s).
Thanks for that. I must say this forum is the best I have found in any subject for help and knowledge. Any minor problems I've had can usually be resolved through a search, someone seems to have posted something knowledgeable on nearly everything!
As an aside, and not sure whether this should be posted somewhere else, I was trying to upload photos using an iPad. I have found this is impossible, as the editing bar, includingn My Media, do not appear on the iPads reply pane. I had to use the mac.
This info may help someone from wasting time tring to use an iPad with this forum!
I think it probably defaults to a useless 'mobile' template when you use an iPad or iPhone (why do web sites do that? There's more screen real estate and a better browser on those than on many PC's... but anyway...) if you scroll all the way to the bottom, there should be a button that lets you switch to the full version of the site. That might work better on the iPad.
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illuminarti 18
Hi Mike! Welcome! Let us know how you get on with the printer, and don't hesitate to ask if you have questions!
PS, You might have to ask your human for help with some of the initial set-up; the packaging isn't very beak-friendly - but once it's all set up, I think you'll be fine. ;-)
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