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Http-Digest Authentication using RestSharp

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Posted (edited) · Http-Digest Authentication using RestSharp

Hey there!


I want to call my ultimaker S5 using RestSharp and get stuck when it comes to http-digest-authentication. I am using this framework but i get a runtime-error if i add the Authenticator to my request saying the 'realm' is wrong. Without adding there is no error, but of course then i have no access/authentication. This code snippet for example is for printing:


public void printfile(FileInfo fileToPrint)
            RestClient restClient = new RestClient(baseUrl + "print_job");
            RestRequest request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
            restClient.Authenticator = new DigestAuthenticator(this.UltimakerId, this.UltimakerKey); 
            request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data");            
            request.AddParameter("jobname", "job");
            request.AddFile("file", fileToPrint.FullName);
            IRestResponse response = restClient.Execute(request);

Have one of you ever called the ultimaker using RestSharp? Is there an other framework to do digest-authetication with RestSharp, or do i use it wrong? Is it meant for authentication with the ultimaker? Or did you try built the digest-header on your own?


Sorry for my english. I hope i made it clear.

Thank you by now.


EDIT: This is the thrown exception: 

System.ApplicationException: "Header not found: Digest realm"



Edited by SFM_Vegeta
Explicit Exception added
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