Are you sure you are loosing steps?
hard to tell for the photos, but looks far more like intermittent under extrusion.
Do what was suggested above, and clean your feeder out.
check you get consistent smooth extrusion when loading filament, should come out smooth, straight and no curling.
grease the z axis shaft
make a small tall tower and try printing that.
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Carla_Birch 116
Why this might not give you the hours on the printer itself because you can swap print cores, you can see the hours the print cores have been in use for what might give you a good idea.
To do this from the touch screen on the printer pick: settings - about this printer and it will show the hours on the print cores like this
As for the layers shifting itself, it’s best to clean all the rods and make sure you got no play on them and then add a fresh drop of oil on them and move the print head around by hand to spread the oil over them, this also lets you feel if you can feel the print head getting tight as any point.
With you saying the prints moved forward I would also check the glass is tight in the clips so it’s not easy to move when in place.
Can not comment on the heat because I don’t know what filament you are running and at what temps and for how long, So that information would be handy, but unless your printing real hot and the printer is enclosed I can not see it being a problem. But it’s a good idea to post the filament type along with the settings you have used.
But I would personally check everything is oiled and moving free and the belts are tight.
Edited by Carla_BirchLink to post
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