Hi, it's me again.
The printcores for the UM3 and the S-series are designed to be replaced as a whole. The 3D Solex hardcores are designed with replaceable nozzles.
As you've already seen @gr5's video, it *might* be possible to change the nozzles, but not without big risk in cracking the heatbreak.
Ther'e some topics about nozzle change, for example (unfortunately only in German):
with links to replacement nozzles, which are meant to be compatible with the UM Printcores.
( https://www.3djake.de/3d-drucker-ersatzteile/3d-drucker-duesen?&f%5B65%5D=589
https://www.filamentworld.de/shop/zubehoer/duesen-nozzles/micro-swiss-duese-twinclad-xt-ultimaker3-ultimaker-s5/ ).
But there's no guarantee it'll work.
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Tigerbeard 4
Just phoned with a dealer and he confirmed that those nozzles are not necessarily compatible to the UM3. From what he says nobody seems to manage to destroy nozzles.... He could not help me out technically, but I know know that buying a spare nozzle is not as simple as I had expected.
Hope someone went through that before...
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