Because I explained it too often within the last days, I made a short video of how to apply glue stick correctly.
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Because I explained it too often within the last days, I made a short video of how to apply glue stick correctly.
So you're working on your YouTube career?
5 minutes ago, UlrichC-DE said:So you're working on your YouTube career?
No, never ever 😀
Just a few short hints, tutorials (maybe bed leveling), everything else is too time consuming for me.
Definitely a good idea. 👍
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Smithy 1,145
No it is not faulty, but a picture of your first layer would help to give good advices.
Normally the bed is not leveled correctly, also when someone says he has leveled the bed many times, it does not mean it was correct. So when your first layer is not squished into the bed then your nozzle is too far away from the glass and you need to level a little bit closer.
Anorher reason could be that your glass is not really flat, but first check the leveling and post a photo if you have one.
A thin layer of glue stick is also fine, but it should be thin. I do some stripes with the stick, maybe 2 or 3 and then use a wet paper towel to distribute the glue over the whole glass. With this method you get a thin layer which works great.
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