That's exactly how I see it. I am even thinking about introducing 3D printing in school with the connections I have. A few simple modifications and the UM could be made "school safe" (enclosing/locking the build area).
Ian, keep the war references to a minimum please. Germans are (still) quite sensitive about it.
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ian 32
This is for me really interesting...
Germany is one of the biggest potential markets for ultimaker and if ultimaker does expand in a big way in the next two years... they need to be jumping down heavy in germany now... and not later..
Feet on the ground !!
Just look at MediaMarkt and Saturn in germany,, they are all now stocking under 2000 euro 3d printers and guess what... most of them are amazingly useless and crap... Best example is the Fabbster thing.. with a MADE IN GERMANY sticker.. german companies and schools are buying them by the crate full... and the product is worse that 10 day old dog poo !!...... ultimaker.....?? .... I guess their one current reseller in germany with monster out of this world dreams of opening 14 new shops from a starting point of 1 next year is their golden weapon against the german 3D Printer Wave (neue Druck Welle :wink: .. all i can say as a keen obersver is ...... hold on to your hat's gentlemen !.... Its going to get windy ! :wink:
Ian :wink:
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