on the left side there are 4 (or more) "flyout buttons"
ahhh... "Tool Options" according to one tutorial on-line.
For instance rotation and move.
without that (or more) I can't select anything on the build
area. I can load a file and slice it but I have no way to edit the drawing.
Scanning the ALL3DP tutorial I see many of these tools but I only ever
saw 4 tools.
Visually this is what happens:
I load an STL file - it shows up in the draw area
I move my mouse cursor to the blue object and
click on it and nothing happens. I can click all
day - even right click - always nothing. And
yes my mouse works as I hear my computer
give a little click/beep when I press the mouse
I originally installed the 4.7 version
and it worked for a few days.
Uninstalled and Reinstalled it. No help, same thing
uninstalled and loaded 4.4 - same issue.
uninstalled and reloaded 4.7
I just started Cura to see if there is anything else I
can say. Seems very slow to load.
ok - don't know what to say.....
crapola! I loaded a file and it worked.
now it tells me it can't load the file I was using
I ca n only assume the file is corrupted.
thank you for your response.
and sorry for the false alarm
stay healthy
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ahoeben 2,027
I don't know what you mean. There has not been a "side panel on the left side of winodw" since Cura 2.1, which was released 4 years ago.
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