I am also facing same issue but only with PLA material.
I am also facing same issue but only with PLA material.
1 hour ago, guna said:Hi,
I am also facing same issue but only with PLA material.
Have you tired the above?
Thanks Carla its working. May i know the reason and how to solve the issue.
3 hours ago, guna said:Thanks Carla its working. May i know the reason and how to solve the issue.
What did you do to get it working again?
I just switch the Printcores. i am thinking the issue might be in the stepper motor of the feeder.
i can able to print one print. the next one showing same issue.
Can you explain your problem a little bit deeper, which settings, material, and so on.
With just a few words it it hard to give good advises.
I am not sure that the problem is the nozzle or the feeder. When I look on your brim, this looks fine, the model itself has problems.
Have you double checked the Cura project? Right material, correct temperature and so on?
When you get the failure, what is the extruder doing? Place a finger on the filament just before the feeder. Do you feel that is transported well or do you feel that it slips a little bit? Do you hear a knocking noise from the feeder?
When you abort the print and unload the material, do you see grind marks on the filament?
Have you already changed to a different material/spool?
Have you changed the printcore?
Have you checked your middle fan, is it running when the print core is heated up and is it clean?
How old is the Bowden tube in your printer?
You can also try to open the lever on the feeder and try to push the filament manually through the heated print core. Then you see if it is going smooth or not.
Check also your feeder tension, the marker should be in the middle position.
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Carla_Birch 116
First off have you tired to do hot and cold pulls on the print core incase its blocked? If you have and filament extrudes when doing the cleaning, but then when you print it don't extrude. then you should be looking at settings and the feeder.
Have you tired the printcore in slot 2 with the same filament to see if you still get the same problem? If it works fine in slot 2 then i would check the feeder on slot 1 to check its clean and all working fine. Also check the tentsion.
Also the more information you give, the better people can help to see if anything looks wrong, eg type of filament, settings, what the filament looks like thats been in the feeder (should have little indents in it where its been gripped).
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