To clarify - I don't work for Ultimaker and I've never edited Cura. I was clarifying for other readers who have worked on Cura but with the forum it is hit or miss. There's just too many posts every day to follow them all. I'll grab the attention of 2 people who *don't* work for Ultimaker but have contributed (for free). One is @ahoeben
One of them, @burtoogle, even owns a delta printer so maybe he has the same issue as you with PETG stringing. It might help/motivate people to write this option into Cura if you showed a photo of your wipe brush/device. In theory it could be very low down or quite high up on the printer I suppose?
I have printed about 3 spools of PETG this past summer and haven't noticed much stringing and never noticed any brown glob drops into the print.
@stf note that you get much more attention if you log an "issue" on the github tracker. You have to create an account with github (everyone on the planet should get one as it's handy and free). Then go here:
Try to be clear and succinct. Include the photos above. Explain clearly that there is an X position for wipe but there needs to be an x,y, and z position. I'm worried that if it just moves to the position it will come up or down at the brush in such an angle that it will either miss it completely (heading down to the brush) or smack into the brush holder (coming up to the brush). A photo of your wipe device would be helpful.
Again - the person who wrote this feature was thinking that the brush would not move in Z relative to the nozzle. This is true of very many printers.
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stf 2
That is correct.
My day-long attempts with different parameters could not prevent the nozzle from sticking with somewhat larger parts! With PETG, the only thing left is the automatic repeated cleaning of the nozzle, even in between.
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