Hi Anafear,
Welcome in here.
To me, it's look like the printing temperature is to high, -also there is lots of sign of underextrution.
The speed and the layer height demand are quite high for your printer to deliver enough flow it seems.
I would reduce the printing temperature to (260-270) deg.C., reduce the speed to 40 mm/ sec for all speed settings.
Reduce the layer height to 0.15mm and initial layer height to 0.2 mm.
Also, just print one object at a time (saving filament) to see if the correction is good enough.
Good luck
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Thegladster 2
What material are you printing with? ABS? It looks as if coasting might be enabled. If not, you can try changing the z seam setting (Change from user specified to random or sharpest edge) and maybe lower your speed by a smidge.
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