Insert and twist to mount it.
Thanks for that. There's nothing in the manual about it and its not shown in the "What's in the box" page. I assumed it was some sort of test or calibration aid.
Just had a look and I can see where it fits. It doesn't want to go in though, but its printing at the moment and I don't want to disturb it too much. I'll fit it later.
That piece was created for dual extrusion and isn't really necessary for single extrusion printers. Doesn't hurt to use it though I'm sure
Thanks Robert,
By the way, It's actually currently printing your!
Hah, cool Make sure you post a pic over here too, it makes me happy
Actually, the filament guide is very good to use even for single extrusion.
When having fresh rolls that barely fit a spool they are helpful, as well as for very long prints when the a complete roll of filament is not perfectly rolled up.
See this thread for more examples:
(Ultimaker started shipping it after I, Ian and others reported that is was really needed/useful).
really happy they are shipping kits with this now...:-)
plus I have to say... the production quality of the plugin looks amazing !
Ian :-)
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gadgetfreak 7
It is a filament guide mounted on the back lower left. Guide the filament by it before you inser it into the feeder mechanism.
It improves reliability of the feed from the roll
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