Hi @GabrielLeo, thanks for your reply. I am not clear about what you are suggesting. I need the support placement to be "everywhere" for this setup, with just "touching the buildplate" other parts of the model will fail. I am just trying to understand why Cura adds support on a top surface when it's not necessary for supporting any structure above. Seems like a bug unless there is some setting I can tune to get rid of that top-support placement?
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GabrielLeo 0
In Cura there is a support choice in the basic tab, you select anywhere if you want the support to be created as part of the model or if you want them to start from the plate and work up, touching build-plate. Then if you click the ... You can edit the help options next to the drop-down button.
If you check the box, most slicing software can generate support automatically. For supports I checked about 3d printer here like how thick, what angle is the threshold for supports to be generated, etc., you can go further than a yes / no. Modelled supports often use less material than made, but it depends on how much you trust your ability vs. the slicer's.
Edited by GabrielLeoLink to post
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