hello everyone! I also have the creality CP-01 and the problem I have when using cura slicer is that the printing starts but does not extrude filament. My printer is not found in the list of printers to configure the slicer. Does anyone know which one I can use as a replacement? thank you so much
Creality CP-01 Using Cura, noob having what could be easy problem to solve
- 3 years later...
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Mari 38
Not all of us are familiar with the Creality CP-01 printer, so first check if you have assembled the printer the right way! If all is done correct, you start with setting up Cura for your printer...
For asfar as I know the CP-01 is not in the list of printers that can be added to Cura, so you probably choose one of the other Creality printers to start with? Did you check the settings of this printer? Are they correct for the CP-01?
Make photograph of you buildplate after printing and share that with us, so we can see what you problem is. A good help is to load the to print object and choose for "Save Project" and share that 3MF-file with us... we can load that in Cura and see what your settings are!
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