You can always design your own supports in CAD, thus as part of the drawing itself. Then you have total freedom of design. When printing in PLA, you could for example design all supports in PLA too, except for a small interface layer of PVA, so you can wash away that and get nice clean undersides in your model. Automatic tools are great for general use, but for very specific cases, it is best to do it yourself I think. The automatics can't know what you have in mind.
See a few examples here:
This is how you could make custom supports in PLA, and have only a thin PVA-layer inbetween them and the real model, using a dove-tail for good mechanical bonding.
The pink and orange are custom supports. So I can wiggle them out by grabbing them with pliers, as the model is way too small to get in with a knife. Text caps height is 3.5mm. The added custom brim is to prevent them from falling over. This is for a single-nozzle printer.
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Smithy 1,146
I don't think this is possible, but please upload some pictures.
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