GregValiant 1,454
Large radius objects are tough. The angle is severe at the lower layers causing the printer paths to be far apart and they don't want to bond.
I think I'm in agreement with @Longtoke regarding moving the ball up off the build plate (2mm sounds good) and letting the underside be all support structure. I know it won't leave a great finish, but it should print. Another thing to try would be Adaptive Layers.
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Longtoke 25
Very odd....
I tested the issue by creating a basic sphere ( 80mm diameter ) and using a basic cube base of 100mm x 100mm x 50mm to losely replicate your model, but a very low res version Tremendous Wluff.stl ( made with tinkercad ).
Did the slice on a 0.2 layer height and the same odd pattern appears in the low point center ?!?!
It looks like Cura is getting confused by the shallow gradient of the curve at the bottom ( note the tell-tale concentric walls in the preview ).
Now really weirdly, even with the concentric walls, the layering still seems correct ( from the Cura preview ) on the low res poor mans version I did anyway. From the look of your model failure, I'd suggest having a few layers of material below the lowest point of the sphere, as it looks as though you've had adhesion issues due to the mix of small concentric walls and diagonal fill. Even a 2mm layer below it could be enough to sort it.
Good luck and let us know how you go.
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