Your idea of using breakaway as raft made me think of this: what about using breakaway to clamp parts down? Like in the picture below. If the design allows it and if it has a sort of flanges at the bottom, or other features that you can grab, maybe you could hold it down like this? I have never tried it, so I have no idea whether it would work or not. But at least, if the breakaway adheres well enough to the glass, it would prevent the nylon model from coming off and sliding around. So it should prevent spaghetti? Theoreticallly and hopefully...
Maybe worth trying on a small testpart? Stay with the printer to see what happens.
Picture of the concept: clamping blue nylon part down with orange and red breakaway parts. Of course it should go around the corners too, to clamp it in all directions, but I haven't drawn that here, otherwise it would hide the concept.
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Torgeir 259
Hi John,
Sure, not very much, -but did a lot of challenging nylon prints..
First thing is to use "draft Shield", under experimental in Cura. This will build a single wall "heat fence" around your print, this in order to prevent "fast" cool down and warping of your print.
Then, use diluted (in water) PVA glue on the heat bed- and let it dry until not looking wet, redo this 3 or 4 times (total).
This will not get your model stuck that hard to the bed.. Let the model and bed be into lunched water for some time, then try carefully to remove the model using a sharp paint scrape, if it wont go let is rest -try again later and so on until it go..
This method is ideal for small parts..
Here is a little picture of a very known model -with draft shield -by Cura 4.8.0
Edited by TorgeirAdded text.
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