Hey, I am using a grid pattern. That does make sense it does hit where the grid intercepts. What is Z-hop on retraction and where is its setting. I am using cura 4.8. I am raising the nozzle on the 3d printer because it will start bumping the print after a while of printing then it will be ok for a bit but eventually i have to raise it up again. eventually after a long print I have had to raise it up by like 4-5 mm total. Its ridiculous.
GregValiant 1,454
Z-hop is down at the bottom of the Travel settings. Enable it and set the Z-hop height to 0.5 to start out. You can always raise or lower it.
It sounds like there is a problem with the Z drive. What kind of printer is that? For a run-of-the-mill open frame cartesian printer (Anet, Creality, etc), the set screws in the Z coupler can get loose and the motor turns, but the Z lead screw doesn't. So start by checking those screws and make sure the coupler is tight to the Z motor shaft, and to the Z lead screw.
Next is binding. The Z lead screw must always stay parallel to the aluminum upright of the frame no matter where the print head is. Sometimes the Z motor mounting bracket needs to be shimmed to make that happen. Pieces of paper will work as shims. I think mine ended up at 0.3mm.
If the rollers on the X beam are too tight the beam will not raise smoothly or can get cocked/skewed. That's a bad thing.
Edited by GregValiantI have a mingda d2. This one https://www.amazon.ca/MINGDA-Printers-Leadscrew-Removable-230x230x260mm/dp/B08DV4Y3RX
I attached a picture of my travel settings. thanks for the advice.
GregValiant 1,454
Those are the Settings Visibility that allow you to see the settings in the list on the right side of the screen.
At the upper left of the screen is the word "Market Place". Directly below that is a slide control that says "Custom". Turn that on to view the settings you have made visible. Move down to Travel and find Z hop there.
GregValiant 1,454
In the Travel settings, you have Retraction enabled, but the Retraction Distance is "0". Set it to 5 and see how that works. Retraction pulls the plastic back to eliminate stringing, but too much is a bad thing and can clog the bowden tube.
I set my Z-hop height to 0.5. The default is 0.2 but I find that because a lot of my prints have arches that can curl up a bit as they close together the extra height keeps the printer from catching on the curls as it moves.
One of the problems with Cura is that there are no "wrong" settings. Because there are a LOT of settings some will effect others. Figuring out ahead of time whether that effect will be a plus or a minus is the trick.
Oh Yeah...The raising of the Z thing. Did you figure that out? Both motors turn?
Edited by GregValiantYes both motors turn its also a brand new printer. I will try what you said hopefully it will work. Thanks
Recommended Posts
GregValiant 1,454
What material are you printing?
Which version of Cura?
I don't see an infill pattern called "diamonds". Could you check the name?
Are you using Z-hop on retraction?
How and why are you "raising" the nozzle?
A lot of the infill patterns have cross-overs where the nozzle moves across a line that it previously put down during the current layer. When it comes to the line it doesn't retract or z-hop, it extrudes right through it. Since everything on a layer is at the same height, this causes the nozzle to damage the first line laid. Two exceptions are Lines and Zigzag.
if you are printing with PLA a raft should not warp. If you are printing with PETG or ABS then your bed isn't hot enough.
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