By the way, the default minimum wall thickness is double the "line width" parameter in cura which is typically equal to your nozzle width. So for a 0.4mm nozzle it typically needs to be 0.8mm thick when sliced (each horizontal cross section must be at least 0.8mm wide). But with "print thin walls" I think you can go down 1/2 again, in this example to 0.4mm. You can also set your "line width" down to about 75% of your nozzle width and still have reasonably good quality prints (but the more you reduce the worse it will get).
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gr5 2,295
There are a few posibilities. I guess both are the same possibility: your part is too thin. Try making your part thicker in CAD. Or in cura try checking "print thin walls". Or set the "line width" to 0.1mm just to see if it will print at all. I can't tell by the pictures but it looks infinitely thin - if that's true then you need to go back to CAD and give it a thickness.
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