If the motherboard has separate stepper driver boards for each axis, you might check whether the driver for x is defective. You could carefully swap the driver board for the X and Y axes, and see if that transfers the problem. If so, maybe replacing the driver board might help. You should be able to find stepper drivers online.
However, since this is a 3rd-party machine, not officially licensed (and if it's a UM2, then it's totally been re-engineered, since the UM2 plans haven't been open sourced yet) then, as Robert said, it's hard for anyone here to give you specific advice as none of us have any idea how the printer is assembled, or what components were used.
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IRobertI 521
I'm sorry, but since you're using a clone it will be very hard for us to help since we don't know what parts are in it.
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