problem is solved in such a way, that it is a work around which describes @gr5
Therefore that seems to be the best possible solution for me, without loosing profiles or have to login.
Is this ok, or would you still need/want more in depth details what was going on ?
Which logs and where can i find those, i can provide you if needed
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gr5 2,224
I also have ubuntu and an S5 but I don't login and I don't use profiles. Here's what I do:
Instead of the "profile" way of storing your settings I feel I have a better way called the "project" way. Everytime I slice anything I save the ufp (or gcode) file to the work folder where the STL is and I also do "file" "save". This saves the project file. It's like a profile but better. It saves the machine settings, the STL(s) and how the STL's are positioned. It saves which profile you are using (I only use ones that come with cura) and it saves your overrides of the settings.
Let's say I've been printing some small parts with Nylon that don't need support and now I have another one that is unrelated other than being "a small part using Nylon with no support". I load one of the old successful projects, then delete the model and load in the new model.
This way I have one "profile" (actually project) for every part I've ever sliced. Many hundreds of them. They always have worked with newer versions of cura (I can use an older project on a newer cura but not the other way around).
I got burned early on with profiles on Cura 2.X and switched to projects and haven't looked back. As far as I can tell it's a similar work flow but without the bugs.
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WWW_cura 2
This is a great idea !!!!
Perfect, yes this will solve it....its like use those files as a template right ?
Thats the way i also will go, man o man ...that i didnt think of that !
Case closed ;-) thanx
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nallath 1,124
Please report issues on github. When reporting issues, also take care to not just say what is going on, but also provide us with reproduction steps / logs. We clearly didn't have the issue ourselves, so we need more info to fix it.
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