GregValiant 1,454
Welcome to our world.
For most things and certainly for any gcode files you print, the origin is at the left front corner. There are some things (like the printhead settings in the right side of your screen shot) that use the center of the nozzle as the origin. It's an easier point of reference for a moving part. Those numbers are the size of the interference area of the print head. If you have multiple parts on the build plate, you can choose to print them one-at-a-time. If you do, then Cura will check those printhead size numbers and notice if the printhead will crash into a model that might already be built up. If you play with that setting, you will see a gray area on the build plate around each model. That's the interference area and they can't overlap or Cura will refuse to slice. The gantry height (build plate to the bottom of the X beam) determines the "Z" limit for printing one-at-a-time. It's usually about 25mm.
In Cura, models are brought in by placing their "center of geometry" at the center point of the Cura virtual build plate. When fooling around with the settings for model placement (top tool on the left toolbar) the center point of the virtual build plate is the origin even though (with Origin at Center turned off) all gcode will be created with 0,0,0 at the left front corner.
If you open a Cura gcode file it will list the MINX and MINY right near the beginning of the file. If either of those are negative numbers then the file was sliced with "Origin at Center" checked. The printer will try to get to the negative numbers but it can't, so it will just make a lot of really ugly noises as it keeps trying while you fumble madly for the shut-off switch.
Edited by GregValiant
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gr5 2,294
Uncheck "origin at center". That feature is only for delta printers. 99.9% of printers don't do that so it's printing in the front left corner instead.
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A05C 1
I'll give it a try, and report back; probably tomorrow. I've got a larger print running right now.
Should I put the original gcode back in?
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