GregValiant 1,455
When it's part of a group it's OK. When it's a separate mesh it jumps by exactly -25 in the Y every time it's saved and re-opened. Save and open it 4 times and it's moved -100mm. Good luck Nallath!
When it's part of a group it's OK. When it's a separate mesh it jumps by exactly -25 in the Y every time it's saved and re-opened. Save and open it 4 times and it's moved -100mm. Good luck Nallath!
Again; please make an issue (one for each issue) on github. It's impossible for us to keep track of things otherwise.
Hi @GregValiant Thank you!
@fvrmr is looking at it on Github. That particular file shows the movement of the mesh modifier on any printer. When I put together a similar project file (2 models and a mesh modifier on the bed) I can't duplicate the movement. So at this point the problem appears to be just with that specific file. Could you go HERE and post what operating system and version of Cura are you using? Thanks.
5 minutes ago, GregValiant said:
Hi @GregValiant Cura 4.8.0 + Win10 latest update
I'm sorry to say that I can't open the github page. Here the github is very often inaccessible. Thank you for the info!
Edited by curasurfHi @curasurf
Could you try to remove your modifier and then add a new one. Because if I try that it wouldn't change position after saving.
Also I could reproduce this with your file and it didn't matter on what printer. But I couldn't reproduce this with my own files. Just like @GregValiant
Does this happen on more files?
29 minutes ago, fvrmr said:Does this happen on more files?
Hi @fvrmr I just tried with those original STL models again, a model and a block. After reopening the project file, all the objects are kept in the saved position. I can't reproduce the issue.
In the original problematic project file, I believe that I did not do anything special. The models are also very very simple. I think that it's worthwhile of being examined careful. Anyway, if the saved project files are not 100% trustable, users would be concerned.
Thank you for following the issue!
Edited by curasurf
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nallath 1,125
I've never seen modifier meshes being moved, so that's also why it never got any attention.
If you have a good set of reproduction steps, i would be more than happy to have a look at it if you create a bug report on github.
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curasurf 5
Hi @nallath Attached is the project file. The modifer was centered on the bed. If you open it, you would find it moved a little. You can center it again and save it. Then you reopen it, the modifier goes away again. This is only one example. And the model names by the plugin Mesh Tools are also lost after reopening the project file.
Thank you!
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