You might also try printing slower and possibly also cooler. Set your travel speed as high as possible (you can probably set to 500mm/sec and hopefully your printer will not print any faster than it should if it's setup correctly) and set your printing speed to something slow like 25mm/sec.
Printing slower means pressure in the nozzle is lower so it leaks less.
printing cooler means the plastic is more viscous so it leaks less.
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gr5 2,224
Those are a bit wobbly. I recommend the base is always at least 1/5th (aka 20%) as wide as the part is tall. So either make those about twice as wide or make them into a cone where the base is about twice as wide.
What is the purpose of your mesh with skinny pegs? Hard to offer any other tips without knowing more. 🙂
The other advice for printing things this small is to print at least 5 so that each one can cool while it prints the others however you already followed that advice as there are a lot more than 5! 🙂
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