GregValiant 1,455
That is a strange model and just a shell. I will assume it was from a scan of the vehicle. I rotated it to what would be body coordinates and when it comes into Cura it is X=.5027 Y=.2187 Z=.6135. If you use a scale factor of 10 then the numbers look reasonable for an SUV measured in Meters. Because it requires scaling to get to meters I believe somebody missed a trick (or two) along the way in whatever hardware was used for the scan and whatever software was used to translate the point cloud of the scan and maybe also in the STL generator.
Even scaled up to just fit on my build plate (40000%) and using a .2 nozzle and .15 line width the walls barely slice. There is no internal structure to hold the print together and there is no roof or hood. I don't see any way to slice or print this model without adding thickness to all the panels (doors, hood, roof, etc.).
I'm just one person here. Maybe one of the others has a different take on it. Right now I just don't think there is enough model to work with.
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kmanstudios 1,120
When the model scales by that amount in the slicer, it means the scale is off.
Where did you get the model? Or did you make the model itself?
I am downloading it so that I can look at it later and let you know what I have found.
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