Thank you for the reply.
Actually, the video was shot under the situation of printing with USB. The flickering led screen is on heating process and suddenly turns to 0 degree. So I don't understand how to fix it.
Thank you for the reply.
Actually, the video was shot under the situation of printing with USB. The flickering led screen is on heating process and suddenly turns to 0 degree. So I don't understand how to fix it.
Sounds to me as a USB communication problem. The display doesn't flicker if you have the printer just connected but it is not printing, correct?
Could you please post a screenshot of your Cura print dialog showing the temperature slope while you're printing? Including the sudden switch off...
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Dim3nsioneer 558
On your video, I see the display of the Ulticontroller first showing a target temperature of 210°C (is this set by Cura over USB?) switching to 0 (this happens e.g. when you open the print dialog in Cura with a USB-connected printer). After that I see just some flickering. If you have your printer connected on USB, try printing from SD card. To my personal experience, connections over USB are quite unsafe and error-prone without a very good error handling of the connection (its ok to upload new firmware but not for printing).
On the mechanical side, first thing to check are the connector screws on the amplifier print on top of the print head. I found they can get loose from vibrations after some time.
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