Thank you! I actually reduced the # of top layers by a "9" until it started slicing and sure enough after taking 3-4 off, it would slice. It's printing now so we'll see how it goes, but thanks for the update on reducing polygons, will be useful to have.
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gr5 2,295
So I looked at that file on thingiverse. 300MB! Holy crap. And that's compressed. So the slicer has to intersect every slice with all of those triangles in the STL.
You need to reduce the quantity of triangels before you slice. I mean if you were printing one 20 feet tall then yeah - that kind of resolution might be useful.
Anyway, I recommend reducing triangles down to about 50K or even just 5k triangles. See how much resolution you lose and decide if that's too much or okay for a "miniature". This program is free - instructions:
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