That did the trick. Thanks!
- 1
GREAT QUESTION. Users can now do this! Up until a month or so ago only moderators could to it. It's two steps. First just under the topic click the "+" to "add tag". It's possibly you can only do that on your own topic (where you are first poster). I don't know. Click that and click "add tag" and choose SOLVED. Sometimes it's not available - it's possible you have to also mark it as a question first - I don't know. Or maybe parts of the forum don't allow marking it as solved.
PART2 - while still in that dialog there is an option just below - a light blue button that says "item prefix". Push that button and choose SOLVED again. This adds the green tag to the topic which is visible much more easily on various screens on the forum.
Ah, yes. I see that option on my posts. Hopefully @jax200 sees this
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gr5 2,238
Cura takes 3d model files such as STL and outputs gcode. You can't take gcode as an input. Cura will take gcode as an input but only to DISPLAY it. You need the original model. Almoast always an STL file.
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