The skewing turned out to be a loose screw on said wheel, that got increasingly loose, allowing the hotend to sag, producing the skewed effect. I tightened said screw, and ran a successful print.
There's the skewed result:
The white layer on the bottom is leftover sample PLA that came with my Ender-3. It's the same PLA I used for the (unsuccessful) print in the first post.
Here's the successful one:
I got creative with the 2 colors of PLA that I have. Lime Green and Purple from Matterhackers.
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Splatman 0
Found out what was probably the problem: The wheels were too tight. I adjusted their tightness to deal with the 'wiggles', and that seems to have solved the other problem. Now off to deal with a new problem: Each layer shifted by a bit less than their height, causing the entire print to be skewed front-to-back.
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