GregValiant 1,344
I'm glad you got it sorted out. Time to start printing stuff.
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I'm glad you got it sorted out. Time to start printing stuff.
Exactly! I have been printing a lot of stuff. You really get some 3D printing fever after getting it to work the first time!
It's awesome. This is a machine bought by the school I work on, and now it's time to buy my own!
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GregValiant 1,344
It may be something as simple as unchecking "Origin at Center" which is on the Manage Printers / Machine Settings page. If it is already unchecked then:
Load an STL in Cura. Set Cura up with your normal settings. Choose "File | Save Project". The resultant 3mf file will contain the model, the printer, and all your settings. Post that here along with that gcode file that is in the video.
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Drand 0
I found out that the machine I have is a "cookie cutter" machine. The same machine is sold with a lot of different brands on it, so I was able to find a YouTube video with some G-code that solved the problem. I also updated the dimenssions of the machine, even though I measured them myself.
If anyone has the same type of machine as me, even though it's a different brand, you can use this tutorial. After these settings, it printed perfectly.
Thanks though, Greg! It probably was something with the dimensions of the machine. Because the Gcode I used in the video I uploaded here, was the default code.
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