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I work for a large global company and we have network security. This of course is blocking me from connecting ulitmaker cura to the marketplace to sync materials. Our IT department is extremely slow at whitelisting any websites. My hope is that there is some way to add a material profile without using the marketplace and linking the ultimaker cura. That, or getting the material profile information so that i can simply create a custom material profile and enter in the same settings. I couldn't seem to find any setting information though. The material i need to add is the Polymaker PoyMide PA6-CF. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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    Posted · Material Profile Download Directly

    Instead of using digital factory you can connect cura directly to the printer and upon connection it will send over any new materials the printer doesn't already know about.

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    Posted · Material Profile Download Directly

    Hey gr5,


    The issue is getting the material into cura so that i can slice a model with it. The material isn't in the printer or Cura. Unless i misunderstood, i don't think this will work for me. Thank you for the reply and let me know if i did indeed misunderstand.

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    Posted · Material Profile Download Directly

    So there are 2 buttons in upper right of cura: "marketplace" "sign in".  You can go to the marketplace and install materials without signing in.  What happens when you click the "marketplace" button in cura?  Is it not able to find the materials due to your company firewall?

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    Posted · Material Profile Download Directly

    There *is* a hacky way to download the material file on a different computer that has internet access, then copy the file using usb flash to the computer that has no internet access and load it into cura.  But do you really need this?  I'm a little confused why your cura computer has no internet access but you have other computers that *do* have internet access?


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    Posted · Material Profile Download Directly

    So if you open this json file here:



    And search for PA6CF twice (the second one is polymaker) then a little bit before that you can see download_url gives you this link:



    Paste the above link into your browser and you will see nothing happen except a file will download.  Drop that file into cura and it will install that material type.  Restart cura.

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    Posted · Material Profile Download Directly

    Hey gr5,


    Thank you so much for the work around, that worked. To clarify, i have internet access on my machine. The issue is our network security not allowing cura to communicate with the marketplace. I was able to add it to my account on the marketplace over web browser, the issue was simply then linking the two. The download has worked though. Thank you again for the great help!

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    Posted · Material Profile Download Directly


    I'm following this thread because we've had the same issue.  A computer with internet access was not able to reach out to the server hosting the Marketplace material profiles due to our company firewall configuration.  In fact, we've struggled to download a new release of Cura for the same reason.  Connection was blocked without any information, simply nothing happened.


    I feel that as more large companies lock down their IT infrastructure due to ever increasing threats, this might become more of an issue for more Ultimaker users - especially as Ultimaker grows their user base within those large companies.


    We were fortunate that our IT department was able and willing to react by modifying their permissions list, but not everyone is going to be as lucky.


    I post this with the hopes that the situation can be improved as Ultimaker continues to grow.  I don't know much about high level IT infrastructure but I do know that I normally don't have issues with downloading software updates so it seems Ultimaker is using a host that some IT departments might take issue with.


    Thanks for bringing this up, and also to gr5 for offering some advice for a workaround.

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    Posted · Material Profile Download Directly


    I have the same issue. PC running Ultimaker Cura doesn't have access to internet.
    I couldn't find my material in above posted link (I guess it's out-dated). 


    Can anybody share an updated link?


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