After you do that if Cura still can't connect here are few things to try:
1) When you connect or disconnect the USB, windows should make a two note sound. The pitch goes up when you connect USB and down (second note lower) when you disconnect. That should happen even without the arduino driver.
2) If that is working, try running device manager. I have windows 8.0 with "winShell" so I'm not sure how you do it on win8.1. I just hit windows key and type "device manager" and after a few seconds windows finds it for me and I click it. If the arduino driver is working, the Arduino (which is inside the UM2) will show up in the "com ports" section. If it isn't working it will show up in the "USB" section and with a yellow caution/error symbol. You know it's the arduino because if you unplug the USB it goes away and when you plug it back in it comes back.
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gr5 2,295
Like you said, when you install Cura at some point it runs a separate installer that installs the Arduino driver.
You can instead install the arduino IDE which also installs the arduino driver:
I recommend the 1.0.5 windows installer.
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