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Posted · Cura 4.9 Not Opening Files?

I recently updated my Ultimaker Cura to the new 4.9 system. Now I can no longer open any of the STL files that I was able to open via the previous version of Cura. Is anyone else having this problem?

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    Posted · Cura 4.9 Not Opening Files?
    9 hours ago, HugeAckman83 said:

    Now I can no longer open any of the STL files

    What happens when you try? Please help us help you by giving more details when asking questions.

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    Posted · Cura 4.9 Not Opening Files?


    I try a guess: if opening is meant by double-klicking on the STL file (possibly zipped) under Windows, the STL files are still connected to the old Cura version. You have to connect them (once) to the actual Cura by right-click on the STL, select "open with", select the standard program and then select the actual Cura. This should work.


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    Posted · Cura 4.9 Not Opening Files?
    15 hours ago, ahoeben said:

    What happens when you try? Please help us help you by giving more details when asking questions.

    Nothing happens. I click “open”, the computer thinks for a second, then nothing. 

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    Posted · Cura 4.9 Not Opening Files?
    11 hours ago, Enigma_M4 said:


    I try a guess: if opening is meant by double-klicking on the STL file (possibly zipped) under Windows, the STL files are still connected to the old Cura version. You have to connect them (once) to the actual Cura by right-click on the STL, select "open with", select the standard program and then select the actual Cura. This should work.


    I gave that a try and sadly, it didn’t work. I did find that “open with” option on the zip file, but it doesn’t show up on the STL files within the zip. 

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    Posted · Cura 4.9 Not Opening Files?
    8 hours ago, HugeAckman83 said:

    Nothing happens. I click “open”, the computer thinks for a second, then nothing.

    Where do you click "open"? There are many ways to open files. Do you mean you click the "open" button in Cura, or the File -> Open menu in Cura, or the "open" option in the context-menu of a file in Windows Explorer?

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    Posted · Cura 4.9 Not Opening Files?

    I’ve tried all three of those with the same result. 

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    Posted · Cura 4.9 Not Opening Files?

    Sorry, I can't help you if you keep using the least amount of words possible to describe your issue.

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    Posted · Cura 4.9 Not Opening Files?

    Idk how else to tell you that NOTHING HAPPENS. All you’ve done is ask condescending questions and I have answered them. If you have nothing constructive to say then don’t bother replying. 

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    Posted · Cura 4.9 Not Opening Files?

    Just to be clear - you launch cura and cura is visible on your screen.  Correct?  And then you click on the "file" menu and choose "open files", right?  Then you navigate to the STL file and select and open it that way?


    This really matters.  There are a dozen other ways to open an STL.  For example you can drag and drop the STL file into the cura window.


    1) The more description you give the better.  There are so many ways to open a file.  Also the problem you are describing sounds unique (I don't think anyone else has had the problem you have).


    Anyway if the answer to all the questions is Yes then please answer in full sentences:

    yes, cura launched and I saw the application start up and it has it's own screen.  Stuff like that.  Otherwise we may be chasing the wrong problem.  You see it's very common for cura not to start at all but once it starts it is rare that it won't open an STL file.


    Please give as much effort trying to explain the problem as we are giving to ask you questions.


    So make sure cura is in PREPARE mode and not PREVIEW mode.  Maybe the file is in cura but it refuses to slice? 

    2) Does the blue "slice" button appear in the lower right corner after you open the STL file?


    My next thoughts are:

    3) Even though you say the STL opened before with older cura, please post it here.

    4) Please post the log file.  You can find the log file in cura by going to the "help" menu in cura.  If you can't get to the help menu then that says a lot as well!

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    Posted · Cura 4.9 Not Opening Files?

    Hi and thank you for reaching out.


    Yes, Cura 4.9.1 itself will open (with an empty grid), and I've tried using the file menu, the "folder" icon that leads to all of the files, and windows explorer.  Once I get to the STL file, I'll either double-click or right-click and click "open".  Either way, the result is the same.  The computer thinks for a second, then nothing.  I'm using Windows 10.


    I've kept everything in Prepare mode.  But since there's no model on the grid, I don't get a Slice button.


    The STL files I've been working on opened with no issue on Cura 4.8.  I've re-downloaded that and am using it for the time being.  I tried attaching a file here by dragging and just using "choose files" but neither seem to work.  They were downloaded from Thingiverse and last edited in 2019 if that helps.  


    I did find the Configuration Folder under the Help section, but I don't see anything that says "Log File".  What exactly should I be looking for?


    Thanks again for your help.

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    Posted · Cura 4.9 Not Opening Files?

    Yeah look in those 2 configuration folders.  In one of those folders is a file called cura.log.  Post that here.

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    Posted · Cura 4.9 Not Opening Files?

    Do you maybe have Chitubox installed?

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    Posted · Cura 4.9 Not Opening Files?
    17 hours ago, gr5 said:

    Yeah look in those 2 configuration folders.  In one of those folders is a file called cura.log.  Post that here.

    Ok, I believe this is it.  It didn't have a .log at the end until I attached it here, so I assume that's what you're asking for.  If not, let me know and I'll do some more digging.  Thanks again.


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    Posted · Cura 4.9 Not Opening Files?
    9 hours ago, fvrmr said:

    Do you maybe have Chitubox installed?

    No, I have never tried Chitubox.  I downloaded Prusa at one point to see if that would work, but this issue was happening before I installed it.

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    Posted · Cura 4.9 Not Opening Files?

    I too am having the same issue with my Cura 4.9.  I have dragged and dropped, opened via the file menu and get the same message: "Failed to load <file path>.stl.  The file could be corrupt, inaccessible or it did not contain any models." 

    I have the older version of Cura on my other computer and it works just fine.  The Ubuntu new version does not.  I also did click on a .stl file and went through the properties and chose the "Unimaker Cura" optin.  The program started opening with the loading items then failed with the above message.  The same one worked just fine on the other older version on my other machine.


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    Posted · Cura 4.9 Not Opening Files?
    On 5/18/2021 at 6:34 PM, ahoeben said:

    What happens when you try? Please help us help you by giving more details when asking questions.

    I am having similair problem.


    when i double click on an stl file, even though the default application IS cura, it won't open.


    When i set the default application to 3d viewer, i can double click and the file opens in 3d viewer, but not when i set the default to cura.


    I have to start cura and THEN load the stl in which is not good.


    I am using version 4.13.1

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    Posted · Cura 4.9 Not Opening Files?
    1 hour ago, KiwiChristian said:

    when i double click on an stl file, even though the default application IS cura, it won't open.

    Please be specific. What do you mean by "it won't open"? Which of these two options happens:

    * Cura does not open

    * Cura opens, but the file is not loaded?


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    Posted · Cura 4.9 Not Opening Files?

    This is happening to me also. I have been using Prusaslicer, chitubox is installed though I have not used it since I do FDM, prusa was acting up so I thought I should try this now, since others are doing my prototypes in SLA.


    I have made profiles for 2 printers; Ender 3 and Tevo Tornado. Then made profiles for printing with a .4 nozzle and .3 nozzle and all are saved. Now I need to place an STL in the box to be sliced. 

    When I go to open a file Cura slicer simply closes itself. Of the options to open a file none of worked beyond opening the file explorer window. I click on the Cura folder icon, then double click on the folder with my 3d models in it, I see the processing circle by my cursor, Cura slicer closes.



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    Posted · Cura 4.9 Not Opening Files?
    10 hours ago, loachridge said:

    chitubox is installed

    Here's an article for you:


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    Posted · Cura 4.9 Not Opening Files?

    I'm having the same issue with Cura 5.3.0 and was having the same issue with 4.9.

    I was using some older version with no problems, I could drag and drop files, or use the folder option to open stls and it worked. Now with the updated version stls are not opening. I installed 4.9 some time ago and it was not opening. Today I installed 5.3.0 version and it's the same -  absolutely nothing happens when I drag and drop or use the folder option to import an stl. Not even loading, no errors, nothing. It looks as if I am simply looking at a blank slicer window.


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    Posted · Cura 4.9 Not Opening Files?

    Please post your log file.


    %APPDATA%\cura\<Cura version>\cura.log (Windows), or usually C:\Users\\<your username>\AppData\Roaming\cura\<Cura version>\cura.log
    $USER/Library/Application Support/cura/<Cura version>/cura.log (OSX)
    $USER/.local/share/cura/<Cura version>/cura.log (Ubuntu/Linux)

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    Posted (edited) · Cura 4.9 Not Opening Files?

    I'm still stuck on 4.8 as well due to this issue; was hoping I'd upgrade one day to find it resolved but apparently not...here's the log file, hope it helps.

    I'll also note that I can't *save* files either...so I can get an STL to open by launching cura with the STL file as a command-line argument, but then I still can't actually do anything with it because I can't save the resulting gcode...I can slice it, but when I click "Save to Disk" nothing happens. Basically any button that would open the filesystem browser just doesn't do anything after version 4.8 on my system.

    (I do not have this Chitubox thing installed and never have)


    Edited by urza9814
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    Posted · Cura 4.9 Not Opening Files?

    Hi @urza9814,


    Welcome in here.

    It seems that you have a configuration error in your printer's configuration and profiles..

    I'll think you should delete your printer from Cura version 4.8, then install an Ultimaker printer say UM 3S as the only version installed.


    Cura version 4.9 have an issue with the configuration when merging from previous version, so chose 4.9.1 and now try installing this version.


    When installing the new version, do not let cura overwrite the old version, but select another directory for it to go as I.E. "Cura 4_9_1" Then you can still use your old working version of Cura.


    Here is Cura 4.9.1:



    Now the default printer come up as UM 3S, then install your printer "Monoprice Select Mini V2 (E3D)" or the V1 version?

    I do not know for sure, but seems like the firmware upgrade made some issue, so do not upgrade firmware using Cura unless the user manual for your printer specify this. Normally there is very seldom any change in firmware.

    This way you should have a new "fresh" configuration/profile setting for your printer.


    Good luck.




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    Posted (edited) · Cura 4.9 Not Opening Files?

    Having a little trouble getting rolled back to the older version...what I'm actually doing right now is running the older version through the AppImage package; the version actually installed on my system is still 5.3. But instead I removed the entire .local/share/cura directory to clear any existing profiles, which seemed to work as it took me through the initial setup wizard and make me configure a new printer (and there's no previous configurations shown), I set up the printer as the UM 3S, but I still can't open or save anything (in fact, when I click 'Save Project' from the file menu the entire program locks up and has to be forcibly killed.)

    I did also try the AppImage version of 5.3 (linux-modern; the other doesn't run on my system), but have the same issue with that.

    Tried a few other versions on the AppImages too:
    4.13 works
    5.0 won't launch due to OpenGL 2.0 issue (on my Intel gpu) or gtk2 issue (using prime-run to run on my Nvidia gpu)
    5.1 to 5.2 fail with gtk2 issue (on either gpu, using linux-modern package)
    5.2.1 or greater runs but can't open or save anything (on either gpu, using linux-modern package).


    Edited by urza9814
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