tinkergnome 927
It looks like the standard start script for Creality printers.
Creality is known to modify the firmware of their printers in undocumented ways - so we don't know what exactly happens if a print is started. 🤷♂️
Anyone can modify the start script in Cura (machine settings) to his likings.
You can take a look at the Windows or Linux version of the Creality slicer for comparison (Creality doesn't offer a Mac-Version of their own slicer)
If you - for example - don't like these "Reset Feedrate" / "Reset Flowrate" things in the start script - you can remove or change these lines.
Marlin G-codes are well documented, but keep chapter B) in mind... 🙂 https://marlinfw.org/meta/gcode/
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GregValiant 1,344
I don't understand. That looks like normal Gcode generated in Absolute Extrusion mode and there is an M82 telling the printer to use Absolute Extrusion mode. E-Steps are defined in M92 and there isn't one in the snippet.
If you want to use Relative Extrusion mode then that setting is in Cura Special Modes and an M83 should appear after your startup gcode.
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