Thanks for the help and the suggestion. I looked into it and the Z is set to 0, so the model should be on the build plate, and the preferences are currently set to "Automatically drop models to the build plate". Cleary its acknowledging that the model is there, its just not displaying like its supposed to. Any other thoughts on what it might be?
GregValiant 1,455
In Cura use File | Save Project and post the 3mf file here. It will have the model, your printer, and the settings in the file.
Looking at your second image it's almost like the model is there but is invisible. Funny that an invisible object will leave a shadow.
I find it a little odd as well. But I'm still relatively new to using Cura, and 3D printing as a whole so I'm not even sure where to start when it comes to trouble shooting something like this.
I've attached the 3mf file as you instructed, and I appreciate your help.
GregValiant 1,455
Here is how it came in for me. This is on a Windows 10 laptop.
It's 260 tall so it won't slice, but it came in sitting on the build plate. I selected the model and chose the Scale tool and made it Z=249 tall (with Uniform Scaling turned so the X and Y are proportionate).
Your settings look fine. One thing you might consider is splitting the model and printing it in two halves and gluing them together. You can reinforce the seams with something. Locating the pieces won't be easy but it goes from being a 63 hour print with a ton of filament to throw away to a 14 hour and an 11 hour print with very little scrap. To get the Btm...file to slice I had to increase the build volume to 275 in the Z to fool Cura into thinking the model fit. In both the attached files the model is full scale.
TopHalf_FrontwMouth.3mf BtmHalf_FrontwMouth.3mf
Edited by GregValiant
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GregValiant 1,455
Select the model and then use the Translate tool to move it down to the build plate. The Z is probably way off so what you're seeing is a shadow of the floating model.
In Preferences / Configure Cura you may want to check on "Automatically drop models to the build plate".
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