Help [SOLVED] Wall Thickness in OnShape is set to 3mm
Thanks so this is the reason why. So to keep the outer as 34 and the inner as 34.5 what would you suggest to increase the wall width to 6mm while keeping those other diameters the same as far as one side outer being 34 while the other side inner remaining 34.5.
Edited by gfxfr33kYou are welcome!
GregValiant 1,455
"So maybe I am using the wrong term wall thickness."
I think it would be clearer to say "cross section".
As @Smithy says - in that model the cross section is 1.5mm thick. That is described by the dimensions and so when it gets to Cura it is not affected by the "Wall Thickness" setting so long as the wall thickness is over .75mm.
This is one of those areas that you need to remember the printer capabilities. If your line width is .4 then 1.5 can't be divided exactly as it would require 3.75 loops to make up the wall. That would cause problems. You could try making the Line Width .375 and then 4 loops would fit.
Another alternative would be to make the object solid. Cura could then enforce the Wall Thickness and with no infill and no top/bottom layers, it would print as a tube. As you have it designed - there are two outer surfaces. One is the inside diameter and one is the outside diameter. If you make a solid part it will only have the outside diameter surface and the Cura settings will determine the wall thickness.
Just add 3mm to your dimensions in cad and you have a clean and working model and don't have to play around with slicer workarounds to get what you want.
Now this makes no sense what so ever. I just made one minor modification to the right side to make the inner diameter a .5mm larger and now all of a sudden the exact wall thickness prints the 3mm wall. I have not touched one thing in CURA. Is it possible onshape fixed something on their end, since I did post about this on their forum about 3 days ago but still pending approval.
see link below:
Edited by gfxfr33k
Then I must have not printed the file with the change I already made in RoboCut Adapter 9 two post above that one should have also printed a 3mm wall right?
edited all solved now:
I must have done something wrong because I re-exported robocut adapter 9 and in CURA it shows that it is now 3mm.
I’ll change topic to solved.
Edited by gfxfr33kSOLVED
- gfxfr33k changed the title to [SOLVED] Wall Thickness in OnShape is set to 3mm
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tinkergnome 929
Hi @gfxfr33k, i think, there's a misconception.
"Wall thickness" - as a slicer setting - will never change the geometry of the 3D-model itself.
OK, perhaps you can achieve something with scaling and horizontal expansion, but... basically:
One has to modify the 3D-model.
As an alternative:
If the model is a simple solid cylinder (without "walls" modeled in - if you want to say so)... could be printed without infill - and top/bottom thickness set to zero.
That's the only case where the actual thickness of the outer geometry could be controled by the slicer.
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gfxfr33k 0
I use an online cad program called onshape I provided the link in my first post. What would I need to do to the part in order to change the wall geometry because the wall diameter in the drawing is 3mm. So maybe I am using the wrong term wall thickness. That diameter does not translate into CURA. I will look into changing those settings in Cura to see if the Geometry below will allow for 3mm portion of the wall of the cylinder.
Some pics:
Here is the line draw view I highlighted the section in yellow 3mm from
Here is the render view:
Added pictures of the part
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