Some additional info on the S3/S5 feeders:
- The S3 and S5 use the same feeders.
- The feeders for the left and right side are different.
- Around June 2020 a new feeder revision was introduced: r2
- The r2 feeder better handles brittle materials. PVA filament got small cracks and to reduce this the feeder wheel was changed into a finer knurl pattern.
- The feeder revision code r1/r2 has no relation to the S5 revision code r1/r2
- For automatic detection of the different feeder wheels, the electronics was changed
- Both feeders should be the same revision level, mixing is not supported
- UM3 firmware v5.3.0 only supports the r1 revision
I've made a note to support the r2 feeders in a next UM3 release, but no promises here.
Ordering codes:
203732 S5 feeder, left, rev.1
203733 S5 feeder, right, rev.1
225720 Feeder assembly left (1), rev.2, fine knurl
225719 Feeder assembly right (2), rev.2, fine knurl
225984 Fine knurl feeder kit (set containing both the left and right fine knurl feeders)
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polygonfuture 12
UPDATE Nov 23, 2021:
Edited by polygonfuture@3dprintz
Based on CarloK's post on November 17th, I am using R1 feeder versions purchased from Erin's outfit at FBRC8 (I'm based in North America). For now R1 is only supported for UM3 firmware 5.3.0.
R2 should be supported in future updates but no official deadline has been set for this change.
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3dprntz 4
Awesome! Thanks!
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