Thanks for your quick reply. Unfortunately this doesn't fix the problem. It does actually fix it a tiny bit. The gear is now moving once a few minutes but after turning for 2 seconds it instantly stops again. Any other solutions? In the commands it does end with a number starting with E but after that numbers start with F. Example:
G1 X-10.19 Y11.02 Z0.3 F3000.0 E93.523
G1 X-10.36 Y10.98 Z0.3 F3000.0 E93.739
G1 X-10.67 Y10.8 Z0.3 F3000.0 E94.189
G1 X-10.9 Y10.52 Z0.3 F3000.0 E94.642
G1 X-11.02 Y10.19 Z0.3 F3000.0 E95.082
G1 X-11.02 Y0.11 Z0.3 F3000.0 E107.691
this is only the beginning, then it continues the rest with this:
M104 S245.0
M104 S243.058
G1 X-11.4 Y0.11 Z1.0 F68.353
G1 X-11.4 Y10.23 Z1.0 F1500.0
G1 X-11.34 Y10.49 Z1.0 F1500.0
G1 X-11.23 Y10.71 Z1.0 F1500.0
G1 X-11.09 Y10.91 Z1.0 F1500.0
G1 X-10.91 Y11.09 Z1.0 F1500.0
G1 X-10.71 Y11.23 Z1.0 F1500.0
G1 X-10.49 Y11.34 Z1.0 F1500.0
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Daid 306
Most likely cause is the "dimension" module being disabled. Enabling it should work.
You can see this by checking the generated GCode file, it should have "E...." after G1 commands up from line 30 or so. (with a number on the dots)
You can also jump on the SkeinPyPy(Cura) wagon:
which will upgrade you to Marlin. Give you a better GUI. And nicer prints. It's a tiny bit harder to get from model to print (workflow is not at streamlined as RepG yet) but it's much easier on you with settings.
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