GregValiant 1,455
You can try changing the Z seam location and play with "Z seam relative".
This is where the single wall thing jumps up and bites you. The nozzle only makes one pass on a feature and so the start is far from the end. Then it has to go back and start the next feature from the same end as the previous feature. I agree it is wasteful movement. Not much you can do about it though as a big part of the problem is the nature of that model.
As far as the stringing across the holes goes, what are your retraction settings? I can see where PETG would be a problem but printing with PLA should not.
Here is the problem. The print head must move from island to island. There are a lot of layers that look similar. It looks like every 150 layers there are only 2 that are not a bunch of islands.
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GregValiant 1,455
There isn't anything you can do short of changing the model. Each layer has either 9 or 16 separate "islands" that are being printed. The nozzle must move from one island to the next and that's all that travel you are seeing in the preview. It looks like it's spending more time traveling than it is printing. Those are some thin walls as well. Even dropping down to a 0.2 nozzle it barely wants to slice.
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ahmeddali 0
is there anything i can do at least to make the travels happen or move inside only because as you can see it moves on the outside of the model creating some stringing that block the hole, and that happen in three sides only
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