Thanks GregValiant.
I checked all 3 GCode files they do have M204 S1200 at begining of file(except IdeaMaker which have M204 S2500 after every layer finish moves to layer start point and M204 S1200 again, guess the setting in IdeaMaker have travel acceleration set to 2500).
There is no M205 since Jerk control is not ticked in slicer settings and the firmware I have is using junction deviation(set to 0.07).
Only PrusaSlicer's GCode has M201 X3000 Y2000 Z60 E10000 at begining of the file, there is no M201 in other two slicer's Gcode file.
1200 is the default acceleration of Vyper and 500 is the default acceleration of Ender 3(acceleration control is disabled on Ender 3 profile)
I thought it was extruder issue(uneven extrution) so I replaced the extruder on Vyper with the BMG extruter and a new nozzle but same defects happens at the same location, until I tried on Ender 3 having the same issue I starting believe it might not be hardware related.
The print from PrusaSlicer does have some defects on the left where there is a L sharped corner, maybe it is running too fast around that corner.
I am resizing the model to difference sizes and slicing with Cura see if it happens on a certain height at the moment, will take few days to test out again...
Edited by Hibino
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GregValiant 1,455
Look through the different gcode files and see if you can determine the Acceleration and Jerk settings (M201, M204, and M205) as well as the speed settings (the "F" numbers). The problem looks to be ringing (but might be an extruder issue).
If you do not enable Accel and Jerk control in Cura then I believe that the printer will fall back on it's defaults which might be too high for that particular model. For some reason (probably mechanical) you are getting a bounce in that axis. It might be caused by different Accel and Jerk settings in the Cura file and a harmonic vibration is showing up in the print.
In the Prusaslicer photo you can see an issue on the left that might be the same sort of thing, just in a slightly different location.
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