Underextrusion issue is more complicated. Not sure what is causing it. If this is UM2 then probably extruder is slipping backwards. Some people seem to have worse underextrusion right after retraction but I have no idea why. Maybe the retraction distance is too far? maybe the extruder slips a little when the retraction starts?
This can usually be made better by increasing the nozzle temp - 240C would be good. Or slowing down the print a bit. Try 50-80% of your current speed. The problem with 240C is you tend to get worse stringing at higher temps.
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gr5 2,237
There are two issues. You have underextrusion where there are holes and kind of dashed layers. The extruder probably slipped back a bit and it takes a little whie to start extruding again. Plus you have stringing where some strings are hanging out. For the stringing issue:
Do you have "enable combing" checked? That keeps the extruder inside the part if possible instead of jumping directly to the next location to print (and causing some stringing sometimes).
Also do you have "retraction" turned on? You want it on for this part. There are 6 retraction settings 2 of which are on the printer if you have UM2. You want it 1) checked 2) min distance: 0 3) min extrusion: 0 4) combing - checked I think - sometimes not checked is better though.
The last 2 are probably fine. On UM Original settings in cura, on UM2 settings on printer: set retraction distance to 6mm if your bowden wiggles much. Or at least 5.5. If your bowden is rock solid and tight then 4.5mm is good. Speed is probably fine as is. On UM2 I have it set to the max: 35mm/sec. On UM Original I have 40mm/sec but the max in the firmware is I think 25mm/sec.
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