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Posted · Cura 5 config issues

I have a FlashForge CreatorMax2, same as CreatorPro2. 
Cura 5  

I can print with extruder 1 (right). When selecting extruder 2 (left) the right extruder "prints" even though the hot end is cold. The left extruder does heat up.  What am I missing in the setup?2022-06-20_12-58-26.thumb.png.f6661eaae216765352f211fb3c7c6e7b.png


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    Posted · Cura 5 config issues

    Set Cura up with a model and your settings and use the "File | Save Project" command.  Post the 3mf file here. Flashforge printers are a bit different and I don't know that anyone around here knows them well but maybe something will stick out.  There have been posts here by Flashforge owners.  You can search around this site and possibly find someone who had the same problem.  I don't know if Reddit has a Flashforge owners group but searching there might be an option as well.

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    Posted · Cura 5 config issues

    Well this made my head hurt (I was pretty sure it would).

    There are a few commands in your startup gcode that I can't find on the RepRap Wiki (which is pretty complete for all flavors of firmware) nor on the Marlin site.

    In particular is this section (I added the comments):

    M7 T0 ;fan off??
    M6 T0 ;Tool Change??
    M6 T1 ;Tool Change??
    M651  ;is execute a peel move???  But now I think this relates to the Heated Build Volume fan.
    G92 E0 ; zero the active extruder
    M108T1 ; Typo.  Should be M108 T1.


    I would add the space in that M108 line and run a test print and see if things change.

    The other commands that I don't recognize (and couldn't find) are likely FlashForge specific.  You'll need to get with them to find out what they are.  That list includes:  M118, M6, M7, M651, and M108.

    M651 appears to be a command to turn on the fan for the build volume and maybe M652 turns if off.


    Sorry I couldn't be more help.  There is a FlashForge group on Reddit and I did find mention of the StartUp Gcode.

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    Posted (edited) · Cura 5 config issues

    Thanks for looking at the situation, I'll give it a try in the morning.


    It worked, Thanks.

    Edited by RLGL
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    Posted (edited) · Cura 5 config issues

    Here is a little light reading.  It's for a different model but has some general information about FlashForge printers as well.

    M108 is indeed a tool change so adding that space fixed it.

    M6 is wait for hot end and M7 is wait for bed.  They sound similar to M109 and M190.

    Edited by GregValiant
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