please... can no one answer this?? i shouldnt have to deal with a WALL of material....
Perhaps you are interested in tree supports (see the "Support Structure" setting), but a "wall" that is easy to peel away is exactly what normal support is supposed to be. Other than that, please see my first response to your question.
Edited by ahoebenGregValiant 1,454
Yeah, tree supports can be an excellent option.
Have you tried setting the "Support Wall Line Count" to "0"?
Lowering the support density can make for easier to remove supports.
Have you tried lowering the "Support Flow" and "Support Interface Flow" in the Material section? I run those at 90% for a lot of prints. The support is pretty flimsy.
Running the Support Infill Layer Thickness at 2X layer height works for some models.
Turning off "Connect Support Lines" can help.
Changing the Support Infill Line Directions can make a difference.
If you have supports resting on the part then setting the Bottom Distance to 4X layer height will help it break away easier.
There are over70 support settings. Ya just gotta play around with them until you get it the way you want it.
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ahoeben 2,026
Instead of a .curaprofile, please save a project (using File -> Save project...). That way we don't only get to see all your settings, but also the model.
Can't you physically break them after they are printed? Supports are printed as fairly breakable structures, and unless you changed your settings they are printed in a way that they can be fairly easily removed (with needlenose-pliers and some care/patience).
Edited by ahoebenLink to post
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