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Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

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Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

I have an Cura 14.02-ReleaseCanidate2 ready for people to test.

Download it at http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/


This update features:

* Improved the LayerView rendering speed. (A LOT)

* Made the LayerView update during slicing, so you can see the result before it is ready.

* New USB printing dialog, smaller, cleaner.

* Selectable USB printing dialogs, from plugins.

* Selection between new grid or old line based support material.

* Profile settings are now stored per machine instead of global for all machines.

* Added TweakAtZ 3.1 plugin per default. Thanks to Steve Morlock, Ricardo Gomez and Stefan Heule.

* Added separate speeds for outer and inner shells.

* Added expert Z-Hop feature.

* Removed need for temp files, which speeds up Cura on slower harddisks.

* Added expert setting to configure support material angle.

* Allow round printer beds for Deltabots.

It also includes a new UM2 firmware with the following changes:

* Added pause function during printing. (With proper retraction and head-moves-away)

* Added material selection when changing material.

* Fixed the move material maintenance function.

* Fixed the led brightness on startup.



Now, there have been 2 test versions before on this 14.02. (One internally, and one on the google groups) so it should be pretty much bug free.


I know support material still sucks, so no need to report that one.


The USB printing window completely changed and is now configurable, and hackable. The default is a very small, limited, basic window. But in the preferences you can opt for an interface based on Pronterface. This interface is defined by a plugin:


Which has more advanced features, and any button you miss can be added.




But, let me know if there are any bugs. This is quite possibly the last release... with this exact settings GUI. We're going to do a major change in the GUI to make everything easier to use. So I want this 14.02 release to be rock-solid.


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    I haz bug! :)

    Just did a quick test, checking out the new layer view which looks like a nice improvement (still wish I could preview single layers though *hint hint nudge nudge*). However, I managed to get a "ghost" of an old slice operation stay in the view. Steps to reproduce:

    - Set to "Print all at once".

    - Position two objects close (cura's packing does this for you if you're in "Print all at once" when you add the objects).

    - Look at the layer view and set the slider about mid way.

    - Change to "Print one at a time". Cura will now move one object out to the side to make room. When the layer view updates there will be remnants from the old slicing operation still left behind in the layer view.



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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Oh and another thing that I know that you don't consider a bug, but I do (and I know others that agree); overwriting files without asking, to put it lightly, pisses me off. Make it the default behaviour if you must but please, please let us disable that "feature". cura is the only program I've used that does this as far as I can recall.


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    This is a bug that was in the previous version as well, the problem is that I don't have steps to reproduce. What happens is that sometimes when you rotate a part it seems like there's a rounding error or something as it will not snap to 5 degree increments. Going to 90 actually ends up at 89, 45 is 44 and so on.

    I've tried figuring out what triggers it but it seems random.


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Woah! Those are a lot of updates Diad, it looks like you have addressed a lot of the comments made in the forums; another reason I'm really happy I went with the Ultimaker organization. I hope someone over there bought you a beer!

    Thank you!


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    I am still getting that non discript error "Cura Error" while trying to start the program. OSX 10.9.1 Mavericks.


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Hey Daid, here are a couple of my observations thus far on a Windows 7 64-bit computer:

    1. The left hand column with the options in it shrinks back to the default width when exiting "machine settings"

    EDIT: I was messing with this bug some more and it only seems to manifest itself when I switch from "quick print" to "full settings" If I close the program when in full settings it does not occur when reopening Cura.

    2. I've noticed a layer view bug in a whistle model downloaded from Thingiverse, http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:12319. When I look through the layers one by one though it seems to fill stuff in in the correct places, it's only when moving past these layers do I notice this issue. Even with when I try to mess with the "Fix Horrible" settings it doesn't seem to do anything. I've included an image of the render in both the newest version of Cura and your RC version:


    Damn those layers are rendered really really fast now!

    I'll mess with this RC release when I get home and see what else I can discover.


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Hey Daid, here are a couple of my observations thus far on a Windows 7 64-bit computer:

    1. The left hand column with the options in it shrinks back to the default width when exiting "machine settings"

    EDIT: I was messing with this bug some more and it only seems to manifest itself when I switch from "quick print" to "full settings" If I close the program when in full settings it does not occur when reopening Cura.

    2. I've noticed a layer view bug in a whistle model downloaded from Thingiverse, http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:12319. When I look through the layers one by one though it seems to fill stuff in in the correct places, it's only when moving past these layers do I notice this issue. Even with when I try to mess with the "Fix Horrible" settings it doesn't seem to do anything. I've included an image of the render in both the newest version of Cura and your RC version:


    Damn those layers are rendered really really fast now!

    I'll mess with this RC release when I get home and see what else I can discover.


    Actually, the RC renders the infill differently for the lower layers, not completely filled. This greatly speeds up the rendering, and it means I can use different data. The end result however, is that only your currently viewing layer is properly filled. You actually see yellow outlines of the infill areas, so the infill is there.


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Wow... the things that this man can do... and only have one cat! I only can imagine what he could do with two cats.

    Congratulations David, you nailed it


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Being a requestor for the 'angle' for support, I was enthousiatic to test.

    The slightly reduced print time and material needed show an indication that the support was made under an angle.

    But when a layer view was selected, a windowsError was given, and the view window (with the plate and printobject) did not refresh anymore.

    (Now I would like to give some screenprints showing this problem, but apparently I can only include URL's...)

    I appreciate the work being done on improving CURA!

    One other thing surprised me: when opening a 3D model file, it is now possible to open an image (.bmp, .jpeg, etc\). So now it is possible to print something like 3d photo's? Great to experiment with!


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Ah I see. I really like the yellow markers instead of filling the object, it helps visualize how thick the top and bottom layers are.

    I think this may constitute a bug. (1) When I open Cura with the "quick print" settings and switch to "layer mode" quickly before it can finish compiling the g-code, (2) allow it to compile the g-code while still in "quick print", (3) then view a random layer between the top and bottom layers (while still in "quick print"), (4) then switch to "full settings" I get a break in the model with floating bits in layer mode. I can scroll up and down in the layer mode while in "full settings" and it sort of looks like it fixes itself, (5) but the outer surface layers are not rendered and when I move the layer slider bar back down to where the break occurred (6) it pops back into existence. The tool path is below the floating bits, it's like they are remnants of something from "quick print." Below are screen shots illustrating the potential bug, each screen shot was taken after each step described above.

    Steps 1 and 2:


    Step 3:


    Step 4:


    Step 5:


    Step 6:



    Also, take note of the layer thickness in the "full settings" and "quick print," they are 0.06 and "normal print quality" respectively; I can't reproduce the problem if "full settings" are at 0.1 mm resolution when I switch to that menu.


    Alright, I just did the same procedure with "quick print" set at "High quality print" and "full settings" with a 0.1 mm resolution and was able to generate the same problem. I think if you switch between the settings ("quick print" and "full settings") and the layer resolution isn't the same it will generate the problem.


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Hi Daid

    The speed of the new layer view is amazing!

    I have one thing you may want to consider. But it's not related to the GUI, so you can move that to a later version if you like.

    The flow percentage in the basic settings tab directly affects the amount of filament used with the E-argument in the G1 lines. Right now there actually two inputs (flow percentage and filament diameter) which scale the amount of filament used in Cura.

    However, as TweakAtZ is now part of the package, it might be an idea to let Cura insert a M221 instead of changing the E-argument directly. If it's done in this way, then e.g. 90% flow in Cura would correspond to 90% in the TweakAtZ plugin. What do you think?


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    UPDATE: I just found something quite serious:

    Did you change the EOL-character in the generated GCODE? It's now kind of a mess on a Windows machine (everything in one line). And the TweakAtZ plugin was not executed at the layer I specified (I will have to check the GCODE on the SDCard after the current print finishes, on the PC, the GCODE includes the TweakAtZ information); this might be related to the EOL character.

    EDIT (10:37): Forget about the plugin, it works fine if a reasonable input is made... :shock: (means: my fault).


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    UPDATE2: Found another bug... a known one I thought it was already fixed.

    When doing a one-after-the-other print of two objects with brim, for the second object it begins somewhere in the middle of the brim and first goes inwards then completes the outermost lines of the brim.


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    This is a bug that was in the previous version as well, the problem is that I don't have steps to reproduce. What happens is that sometimes when you rotate a part it seems like there's a rounding error or something as it will not snap to 5 degree increments. Going to 90 actually ends up at 89, 45 is 44 and so on.

    I've tried figuring out what triggers it but it seems random.


    It's a display rounding bug. I toughed I had fixed it, but it still happens in some cases. I've tweaked it a bit, which should solve it. What happens is that 45degs is internally stored as 44.999999999999999 which is rounded down for displaying.


    Oh and another thing that I know that you don't consider a bug, but I do (and I know others that agree); overwriting files without asking, to put it lightly, pisses me off. Make it the default behaviour if you must but please, please let us disable that "feature". cura is the only program I've used that does this as far as I can recall.


    On SD card? I highly recommend not seeing the SD card as a safe storage medium. And I hate, hate, popups. You'll blindly click them away before you know it.


    Woah! Those are a lot of updates Diad, it looks like you have addressed a lot of the comments made in the forums; another reason I'm really happy I went with the Ultimaker organization. I hope someone over there bought you a beer!


    No beer... yet ;-)


    I am still getting that non discript error "Cura Error" while trying to start the program. OSX 10.9.1 Mavericks.


    It's not that MacOS really helps in this area. Can you try "Show package contents" on the Cura app goto, "Contents/MacOS" and start Cura from there. It should popup a black terminal window which might show a better error message.


    Wow... the things that this man can do... and only have one cat! I only can imagine what he could do with two cats.

    Congratulations David, you nailed it


    Got a girlfriend who has 2 cats. So I'm up to 3 now, which might explain it? :D


    Being a requestor for the 'angle' for support, I was enthousiatic to test.

    The slightly reduced print time and material needed show an indication that the support was made under an angle.

    But when a layer view was selected, a windowsError was given, and the view window (with the plate and printobject) did not refresh anymore.

    (Now I would like to give some screenprints showing this problem, but apparently I can only include URL's...)

    I appreciate the work being done on improving CURA!

    One other thing surprised me: when opening a 3D model file, it is now possible to open an image (.bmp, .jpeg, etc\). So now it is possible to print something like 3d photo's? Great to experiment with!


    Someone at Ultimaker managed to reproduce the layerview-crash bug. It happens when there are "empty" layers.

    If you load images, you get height-maps related to grayscale color. Simple feature to quickly create something basic.


    UPDATE2: Found another bug... a known one I thought it was already fixed.

    When doing a one-after-the-other print of two objects with brim, for the second object it begins somewhere in the middle of the brim and first goes inwards then completes the outermost lines of the brim.


    Ah, yes, that one. Never got around to fix it. But I should.

    The "previous GCode view ghosts" (post with the lots of screenshots, and missing layers in gcode view) happens if you view GCode during the slicing, while there was an old gcode visible. There seems to be some race condition that I need to fix.


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    First, thank you for delivering the TweakAtZ plugin as standard supply !! :smile:

    Question: is it ok that the layer view is build up from top to bottom?? or just a strage visualization thing on my damn office notebook...

    @ Daid, could you please fix the issue with missing information in gcode-file?

    ;Print time: #P_TIME#

    ;Filament used: #F_AMNT#m #F_WGHT#g

    ;Filament cost: #F_COST#

    Opening a gcode file:

    Cura14.02: I have no visualization - not in normal nor in layer view.

    Cura14.01: everything works... (same file)

    Cura14.02: opening an add. stl model, the layer view shows both (ghosing??)

    I have also huge issues with slicing. At first start, the robot slices nice. After clear build plate, nothing happens when adding a new model to it. Have to restart cura and in most cases, it does not start slicing...

    Honestly, I have no idea whats going on... Have 14.01 in parallel on my PC where everything is workung propperly...


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Question: is it ok that the layer view is build up from top to bottom?? or just a strage visualization thing on my damn office notebook...



    Works the same way on my notebook. It's indeed a bit strange. But very fast!


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    @ Dim3nsioneer: Could you please try to open an gcode-file at your notebook too to check if it´s my damn thing...

    God thanks that I have a private one too as this damn Dell things set up with company-wide images are like pita...


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    I've also tried it on my desktop. Layerview is build from top to bottom. No issue for me, just noticed. :-)


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Someone at Ultimaker managed to reproduce the layerview-crash bug. It happens when there are "empty" layers.

    If you load images, you get height-maps related to grayscale color. Simple feature to quickly create something basic.


    The crash happens with all models I tried. It never happened in 14.01

    OS: XP-SP3


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    The crash happens with all models I tried. It never happened in 14.01

    OS: XP-SP3


    Does it say "float division by zero" "engineResultView.py:_gcodeToVBO_quads:228" (and some more)?


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    It's a display rounding bug. I toughed I had fixed it, but it still happens in some cases. I've tweaked it a bit, which should solve it. What happens is that 45degs is internally stored as 44.999999999999999 which is rounded down for displaying.

    On SD card? I highly recommend not seeing the SD card as a safe storage medium. And I hate, hate, popups. You'll blindly click them away before you know it.


    Ok, cool. It's not a huge deal as all you have to do is reset/not let go of the mouse. But I figured I'd report it anyway.

    It happens both on SD cards and when storing to a drive. I often click an old file to quickly get a base filename which I can change ("test_50.gcode", "test_60.gcode" for example). Sometimes you accidentally doubleclick or accidentally name it the same thing or what have you, but the net result is *poof* old file gone. If it only happened when clicking the SD-card button I could be ok with it, but that's not the case. You don't have to make a pop up for it, you already show the black bar at the bottom which shows where the file was stored. Replace that with "File already exists" and you're done.

    I know I know, I'm going on and on about it but... yeah.


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    First, thank you for delivering the TweakAtZ plugin as standard supply !! :smile:

    Question: is it ok that the layer view is build up from top to bottom?? or just a strage visualization thing on my damn office notebook...

    @ Daid, could you please fix the issue with missing information in gcode-file?

    ;Print time: #P_TIME#

    ;Filament used: #F_AMNT#m #F_WGHT#g

    ;Filament cost: #F_COST#

    Opening a gcode file:

    Cura14.02: I have no visualization - not in normal nor in layer view.

    Cura14.01: everything works... (same file)

    Cura14.02: opening an add. stl model, the layer view shows both (ghosing??)

    I have also huge issues with slicing. At first start, the robot slices nice. After clear build plate, nothing happens when adding a new model to it. Have to restart cura and in most cases, it does not start slicing...

    Honestly, I have no idea whats going on... Have 14.01 in parallel on my PC where everything is workung propperly...


    Is really nobody having such issues like me at gcode view and at slicing new models?

    Very strange... any hint appreciated....


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Just tried it, works fine for me. Add model, slices, clear buildplate, add new model, slices again.


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Is really nobody having such issues like me at gcode view and at slicing new models?

    Very strange... any hint appreciated....


    Haven't seen it, but could be related to the race-condition bug. Does the GCode view not update or does nothing update?

    And what if you change a setting? (should trigger a new slice)


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